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Sunday, December 31, 2006

# 4 Talker & The Babbler : On The God Concept

( "Tap tap,Yo, Talker, it's me Babbler, do I have your attention?" ) Yup, I'm listening, what woke you up ? ("Seems you have been having a string of "God" questions, floating around that I've been bumping into lately" says Babbler) Well, I've been busy, but "what are you asking"? (Babbler comes back with "what's this, yes there is a God, but not a God like many people are led to believe." ) Okay, I'll explain it to..... ( Babbler interrupts with "and would you please clarify, those loose thoughts about the Bible, that are being mingled in with the God-thoughts."). You just couldn't have a nice simple go at it, with my speaking about God only, could you. (" Well, it's been some while since you let me sneak in and inquire" snaps Babbler). If you promise not to interrupt or ask any more questions I'll continue. (With big sigh-like sound Babbler says. "Okay") Recognized is the fact, that nothing will truly be resolved, by my voicing what I think about God and religion, as being closer to the reality of it. Some will say "you need faith", "you need to believe", "it's not for us to question" or some similar type statement. Blind faith, I do not have, but faith in a higher power, is, what I have, and, that differs from my childhood religion. Yes, I do believe there is a "something" involved, and it does "respond", in a difficult to comprehend fashion. Like "electricity" no one can really give a "real" explanation. But we do "use it" every day, don't we. Theories abound, hundreds of books talk about electricity, but still, nothing explains. "What electricity is". The same applies to religion and the Bible. I find that the web is loaded with things about God, religions and the Bible. These are all difficult topics, that do require, either an open mind, blind faith or a "so what attitude ".

There are over six billion people in this world and each person has his or her own thoughts about God. How can a person know for sure what God is really like?
At some point in your life, you may have had some of the following questions:
Does God exist?
Is there a gender to God?
Is there a heaven and hell?
If so, how does one go to heaven or hell?
What determines, which place one goes too?
Why are there so many religions and which one is right?
Is the Bible really true?
Is any one bible, more true than another?
Is it "Jesus Christ" or "Jesus The Christ"?

So here we go again. Ask the above question to a thousand people, and you're likely to get a thousand different answers. And to each, and every one of them, it could be their truth, but not necessarily true. Wow! As is the case, the past does not supply answers, and who knows what the future will bring. Everything, but what I want to know. People talk about God, like scientist talk about electricity, and some of it sounds pretty good. Much of it is even believable, taken with a grain of salt. From what I've read, God spoke to many people in the Old Testament. What was the form of that speaking? Was it actually a voice coming down from the clouds? Or was it as I call it "a feeling tone"! So what has happened since those old days, if it was an actual voice coming down from the clouds, why isn't it still happening! Watch out though, you will get a long vacation in an institution, if you mention hearing voices from the clouds, to certain authorities.Questions like these, made into a list, would be endless. Many were the times Babbler, that I did not pursue questions like the following: Is God, a male or a female? Not that it's important, but would there be ethnic traits? Where would this God be located? If as some say, "God is in your heart" and if you get a heart transplant, do you get that persons God? How does one prove the existence of a heaven or a hell? When the question comes up on why are there so many religions, it's like that old saying, "different strokes for different folks", and that the right one, is the one, that you believe in. In view of all the controversy, regards God and religion, and that's not going to change in the foreseeable future, is there any resolve! I sure don't have an answer, and it appears that no one else, has either. Somewhat humorously, my Babbler just brought up, mention of what I had posted on my blog "Truth Is Like A Rubber Band." So now, in that I cannot further clarify the God concept, I close with the following thoughts: That which I say now, may seem to contradict what I have written, but that is not my intent. My "feeling tones" indicate that there is a power, that I call God. That this God-Power, shares with all life forms, a difficult to explain, oneness. That we are unique in our individual awareness, but common with the oneness, of what is called, God .Of course there are a lot of blanks to be filled in yet. Little things, like angels, devils, heaven and hell, prayers and curses, good and evil. Looking forward to it. Like my mother used to say, "if the shoe fits, wear it". Well, I have one shoe on, wonder what the other shoe will bring!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

# 3 Simple Body ! No Way!

So now, "what is this creation,we call a body, that the bible says is Spirit, Soul and Body?" I give "thanks" every day, for the ability to awaken to the beauty of each new day, to see that it is there for my use, to feel the joy and splendor of it all, and to move about with comfort and ease. So "what makes-up the body?"
When I found this data, could only say, "amazing".
No way is it a simple body.

Did You Know...( just came across this )

You have 100,000,000 receptors in your eyes to see with.

You have 24,000 fibers in EACH ear to hear with

You have 500 Muscles, 200 Bones & 7 miles of nerve fiber to move with

You have a heart that pumps more than 600,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of veins & arteries with 36,000,000 beats each year.

You have lungs that have 600,000,000 pockets of folded flesh for you to breathe with.

Your five quarts of blood have 22,000,000,000,000 (trillion)
cells which each have millions of molecules. Each molecule oscillates more than 10,000,000 times each second.

2,000,000 of your blood cells die each second and are replaced
by 2,000,000 more and this has happened since your birth.

Your 3 pound brain has 13,000,000,000 nerve cells to file away every perception that you have experienced since birth just waiting for you to recall it.

You have 4 million pain-sensitive structures to feel with.
Including 500,000 touch detectors and 200,000 temperature sensors.

You stomach has acid strong enough to dissolve nails.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

# 2 Truth Is Like A Rubber Band

Well now, many are the times when my Babbler (see "The Psychics Blog") is hard at work doing his thing. Brought up to conscious mind are various thoughts that have accumulated over the years, and for some reason, Babbler is winnowing through these thoughts for answers to clear the muddy waters. Thoughts that I wrestle with and seemingly, resolve to my satisfaction, won't solve world problems, but helps in quieting Babblers incessant chatter. While I feel that I got fair control of Babbler, he can sure stir-up the kettle of "what's this thought all about?".Just the other day Babbler raised the issue of "Truth". So I just poked around and pondered about "what is truth!". My first thought was "truth is like a rubber band and about as solid as a handful of smoke". One thought led to another, somewhat in this fashion.There can be many Truths. (Say what! Isn't true, truth? Asks Babbler.) Not exactly, as, each person sees "Truths" through their own "eyes" and "feeling tones", making truth a variable for each person. (Ya, but isn't the color red for instance, red to everyone, asks the Babbler) Well, not exactly Babbler, not all people see color the same, so no, the color red is not necessarily seen as red, by all people. ( What are you saying, that the color red is not the color red, asks Babbler ) Will keep it simple and just say that color is based on hue, saturation and brightness and that all color is a frequency. Altering any one of those attributes, affects how one sees that color, the same process applies truth. On top of all that, we each have our own perfections or imperfections if you will, that affects what one perceives as truth or sees as color. (All I asked was, what is truth, why are you off on a color tangent, inquirers Babbler). Patience now Babbler, perhaps you’ll understand that after I'm done here. Truth is also connected to another theme. (Exasperated, Babbler asks "oh boy, here we go again, what is this one about!). It's called "swearing in, a witness.". (Babbler comes back with " What! Are we going to start cussing now?") Oh, stop it now and listen. It's a process where a person is asked to raise their right hand and answer the question of: "do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." We can also toss in ones upbringing, education, religion, age and a few other conditions. (Thoroughly frustrated, Babbler says. "Boy oh boy, you are really something, all I did was ask about truth, and you're all over, into themes, sayings and even to doing a little swearing) All-right Babbler, here's how I see truth, "Truths will adjust or stretch, to accommodate a given situation". I've heard that it's unusual for any group of people involved in or describing what was heard or seen, for a given situation, to have 100% agreement on what was seen or heard. That my dear Babbler, is what I'm leading too, about truth. Let's for instance, take a hypothetical accident situation, witnessed by 10 people. Let's further say, that this group of people, are a mix, of male, female, and range in age from nine to eighty, and that it is also early evening, and it is raining lightly, and that there are traffic monitoring cameras at this busy intersection. So now the police arrive and start taking statements from the 10 witnesses. Each witness, described ,where they were and what they saw at the time of the accident. Upon reviewing the traffic monitoring cameras tape, a police officer wrote the following report: crossing the street, one female Hispanic approximately 15 years of age, carrying a brown and white dog. Also observed on that tape, is a tan and black Ford pickup running a red traffic control, signal light, striking a blue and gray four-door Chevrolet, that causes the Chevrolet to strike the Hispanic child crossing the street, knocking this child off her feet. Keep in mind that this is a hypothetical accident situation. Now enters an insurance adjuster to review all of this information. So what we have here now, is a videotape of the accident, and 10 witness statements. Of the 10 witness statements, there are only a few details that match the actual accident situation as shown on the videotape.Now Babbler, here are my questions, "if all 10 witnesses saw the same accident, described the same scene from where they were positioned at the time, why would only a few details match the actual accident situation? So as mentioned earlier, red is not necessarily red, and truth is not necessarily true. Did someone lie! Not necessarily, most probable, is that all are true, "but only for the person making the statement."So Babbler, you see "truth is a variable that can be quite different for everyone".

Saturday, November 25, 2006

# 1 Things I Think About

Prayer ................................................................................................................
...........Truth .......................................................................................................
.........................................................................................................After.life... ....................................................................................!...